Sunday, August 19, 2007

High School Musical 2

High School Musical is a phenomenon. I don't know else to say it. It is a weed, a huge weed that has spread through the whole garden. It truly is a mystery of it's huge popularity. At the time of it's debut on television, it was just another of the 7-odd movies made for Disney Channel yearly. But not only has it attracted a golden soundtrack and over 100 million viewers, but a huge fan base of 8-year old Zac Efron-wannabes.

Given Disney's hyperkinetic need to cash in on everything, not only did we get this TV-movie sequel, but next year we get High School Musical 3 - in theaters. The songs in this film are catchy as ever, and the plot is plodded and predictable as ever. It's actually more entertaining, dramatic, funny, and zippy than the first. And that's saying something.

School's out, much to the joy of East High School. Now all of our favorite characters are back, which means that Troy and Gabriella are still together - boytoy and galpal, much to Sharpay's dismay. When just about everyone at East High gets hired at Sharpay's favorite country club, it presents an open opportunity for Sharpay to finally win over Troy, who wrestles with the fact that his friends are losing respect for him.

It's no masterpiece, and really if you buy the soundtrack you buy the whole movie. But it is a made-for-TV-movie of the highest order, and dare I say it?

It's better than the original. B

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