Sunday, November 4, 2007

Bee Movie

Jerry Seinfeld returns to the screen, animated-style, in Bee Movie. It's been nine years since Seinfeld ended his sitcom, appropriately-named Seinfeld, to the tune of 75 million viewers. We really haven't seen that much of him, aside from the Seinfeld re-runs that net him a couple thousand dollars an episode. But when I saw the trailers for this, I literally yelled, "Woo-Hoo!" after Jerry Seinfeld turned up on the credits.

I had to see this. I repeat. HAD to see this. I begged Mom. I planned my 11th birthday party around it (yes, now I am 11). I purchased the $200 "Complete Series" Seinfeld box set. I went to the theater and saw it. What I saw was unlike the fart jokes of Shrek the Third or the pop-culture cracks of Happily N'Ever After, a witty movie that didn't rely on pop-culture references, but was actually propelled forward by a story that, albeit pretty unrealistic, was funny and original.

Barry B. Benson (get the pun?) is a bee living in a hive, who recently has graduated from college, and is very discontent for the sole future that awaits all bees: work in the hive till you die. That's it. He does a huge social stunt - he goes out of the hive, to New York City. And he actually enjoys it. There's a few funny scenes that show Barry becoming acquainted to his urban environment. Barry befriends a florist, Vanessa, (yes, you read that correctly), and they hang out together. Then Barry discovers that, well, we humans eat honey. See where this is going?

It's really boring in the last half until an action sequence aboard a plane, but it's still amusing to see Seinfeld still doing his thing - even though it's turned down for the kiddies. Recommended, but many, MANY times, you must suspend your disbelief. B-

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