Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Love Guru

Mike Myers was once my favorite comedian. In the day of Austin Powers, SNL, and Wayne's World he could do no wrong, and relied on physical humor and wordplay. The Love Guru, however, has very few gags that actually work, and I don't think there's a single joke in here that isn't potty humor. Forget Narnia. This is the biggest disappointment of the year.

Pitka is a self-help guru who comes to America to become the next Deepak Chopra, but always finds himself at #2. So when the owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Jane Bullard, comes to him to resolve an issue, he can't help but take it up. The star hockey player, Darren Roanoke's playing ability has sharply decreased ever since his wife left him, for a rival player, Jacques Grande. (Played by Justin Timberlake, and he steals the show). Pitka's job is to get Darren and his wife back together so that the Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup.

I laughed about five times out of the hundreds of failed jokes Myers cracks, and the problem is that it's either potty jokes or cracks at Hinduism. The saviors of this movie are Justin Timberlake as a French hockey star and Stephen Colbert as a hockey announcer - they steal every scene they're in, even against Mike Myers. But the problem is just the timing. The comedic timing is so poor in this movie, and I think the problem is that Mike Myers chose a first-timer to direct it.

The Hinduism aren't so much offensive as annoying - there were many opportunities at greatness in this movie. And none were taken. D

1 comment:

debbie said...

I'm glad Dad took you to see this one!

