Friday, June 13, 2008

Son of Rambow

One of the coolest moments of my life occurred in my screening of Son of Rambow. Last year I participated in a summer camp where I could make a movie at the Michigan Theater, and given the subject matter of Son of Rambow, at the Michigan Theater during the screening they asked me to speak about this camp. I had the pleasure of speaking in front of an audience that included my school librarian, my best friend, and my family.

It's rare that a movie comes along like Son of Rambow. It has fun, has laughs, has its share of action, pays tribute, but moves along with a great plot and vibe that, in my opinion, ranks this amongst the greatest movies of the year.

In 1980, Will is a young, quiet British schoolboy who belongs to a strict religion. Lee Carter goes to his school, and is a bully in every sense of the word. Will goes over to Lee's house and the two watch Rambo together. They decide to make a remake of it together, and although they couldn't be more different and initially hate each other, they realize their friendship matters more than anything. But they begin to fight over the movie, and other people want in on it.

This is such a great movie. It's just got this spirit to it that many movies lack today, and that's ambition. It has great performances by all, and a witty script. See this. You won't regret it. A

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